Pictures of Feldkirch, Austria
As you know, my husband and I had a wonderful opportunity to visit Europe. I apologize for taking so long to post more pictures about our adventure. I especially apologize the delay to my Aunt Mirien and my Great Aunt Ruth.
To back up a little, let me explain. My family migrated to Brazil from France and Austria; most of my family still lives in Brazil. As you can image, we rarely see each. The last time I saw my aunt was my wedding day, about six years ago. We are able to share ideas, recipes, and pictures via social networking.
Since my families' migration to Brazil; I'm the only member with the opportunity to see our old stomping grounds. I was told my great aunt had tears in her eyes when she found out that I was going to Austria. She turned 80 this year...Happy Birthday Tante Ruth!
If only I was able to bring my Great Aunt Ruth along with us. She would have been able to enjoy the beauty, the air, and the food that Austria has to offer. Not to mention, she would have made a great translator. Unfortunately for me, I only remember a few important words (you know,
cuss in German.

For every wisteria I saw and reminded me of my Aunt Mirien. At times, it was like having her there with me. Even though she was thousands of miles away in Brazil.
Oi tia,
Espero que tenham gostado das fotos de glicínias. Eu tomei estes em Liechtenstein. Não tenho certeza se o meu português é satisfatório, mas eu tentei. Eu amo você e sinto saudades.