I am completely jealous if you happen to have one near you. By the way, still kicking myself for not trying their Pain aux Chocolat… Agh, totally craving one right now!
As I mentioned before, hubby and I have never visited DC. So, we were pretty excited to see our nation’s capital. We each had a list of places, museums and monuments we wanted to see before we left. We were armed and ready with camera, cellphone, and maps in hand.
Isn’t it silly being tourists? You’re always confused, lost or all of the above. I have to admit, even with map in hand and directional signs everywhere pointing you to the right direction; we got lost. LoL… I’ll blame it on dehydration. We were there during a heat wave, but we sucked it up. We braved the sun and sunburn later that evening. We’re troopers, at least in my mind. :) After all, we only had 24 hours and everything to see
Happy Belated Anniversary! Hope you had fun!